Ho Chi Minh City entered into its second month of lockdown in August 2021. Even though the situation was getting worse, our committed educators continued to engage our children with Home-based learning via Zoom. Our operations staff also continued to support our parents, answering all their queries and requests. Everyone in the school supported each other to keep the spirit of learning going.

The Covid-19 pandemic has fast-tracked the evolution of education. It is crucial to ensure that our teachers will be well-versed and equipped to face the new ‘norm’ challenges, to sustain our children’s learning. During our school closure week in August, Kinderland International Preschool @ Vietnam continued to prepare for the new school year in September with training and classroom preparation. Our passionate teachers creatively adjusted to the new restrictions.

Our Head Teacher, Rachel spearheaded the in-house training sessions with the team on various topics such as classroom environment, phonics, math and more. This training session was also a chance for our teachers to refresh their skills, boost their morale and remind them of their important role in educating young minds. It was heartwarming to see our teachers turn up for the zoom sessions, full of enthusiasm and passion about their educator roles.

Our teachers touching base with one another during the in-house training sessions.

Our curriculum department in Singapore also held a special KinderFit and Portfolio training. We got to meet up with our other colleagues in other countries such as in Singapore, China, Malaysia, Cambodia and Bangladesh.

Regional KinderFit and Portfolio Training conduct by HQ Curriculum Department.

Learning the importance of doing up a child’s portfolio.

We were thankful for the learning materials and support that the Kinderland Curriculum Department in Singapore has shared with us. We hope that the current lockdown restrictions will lift, for us to engage with our children and colleagues in person again. In the meantime, everyone, please stay safe and take care.