Kinderland International Preschool @ Vietnam welcomed the officers on 9 and 20 May 2022. May was the month for the local Health Ward officers to check on our children’s height and weight growth. This helps ensure that our children are growing well and hitting all milestones in their developmental growth.
During the second visit, the health officers administered Vitamin A to our Pre-Nursery 1 and 2 children (PN1 & PN2). Some of our children were jittery and nervous at first. But with the teachers’ support and explanation, our children understand the need for the check. Thankfully it all panned out well and our children were receptive to the health check.

Our Pn2 child putting on a brave face as he gets his pressure checked.

The health official is checking the vitals
Here at Kinderland we take your child’s health and nutrition very seriously. Regular medical checkups and a well-balanced and varied diet are important for your child’s optimal growth and development. In addition, having these visits by the health officials provides an opportunity for the health officials to monitor whether our children are growing properly and if any irregularities can be discovered and discussed early.