Marching out of school while soaking in the sun’s warmth, our Pre-nursery Two (PN2) Kinderland International Preschool @ Vietnam preschoolers set out on a school trip. At a nearby park where the excursion is conducted, the little explorers were set to learn the theme “Nature and the Environment”.
The children were filled with zest as they took stride to the park with their teachers and friends. There was excitement in the air as our children were eager to explore the world around them and indulge in the wonderments of nature.

Our children and teachers walking hand in hand
At the park, the teachers pointed out the various plants and insects they discovered along their journey. Our children’s senses were stimulated as they touched and felt the different leaves and tree bark textures. The children were fascinated by the colours and shapes of the different flora and fauna.

Pointing out to the different shapes of leaves
As they walked along, the children’s senses were exposured even more as they experienced the details in the park. They listened to the sounds of the birds, the nearby traffic and took deep breaths to appreciate the freshness of the air. The children ran their little fingers over the rough tree bark and the smoothness of the leaves.

Our children excitedly feeling the texture of the rough tree bark.
Our little ones ran around freely, laughed heartily and played together. They enjoyed the freedom and fun of being with nature as one.

Observing the movements of ants they saw crawling on the ground
The excursion provided the PN2 children with an excellent opportunity to learn about nature and their environment. They learn to appreciate the beauty and wonders of nature and learn about the different types of leaves and plants. It was a memorable and educational day, and their fun memories will stay with the children for a long time.