News & Events

Infant and toddler care, beyond babysitting

What is infant and toddler care? How is it different from babysitting or having a nanny? In recent studies conducted by researchers at University of Helsinki, Finland, infants are found to be capable of learning even when they are still in their mother’s wombs. “However, an infant’s brain is not fully developed at birth,” [...]

January 23rd, 2020|

Merry Christmas Celebrations in Kinderland International Preschool @ Vietnam

December was a bustling month for children and teachers of Kinderland International Preschool @ Vietnam. We celebrated Christmas in school and participated in Faifo Lane’s Christmas Celebrations. On 15 December 2019, Faifo Lane on the occasion of celebrating Christmas held community activities for its residents and tenants. Kinderland was honoured to have been invited [...]

December 31st, 2019|

Celebrating Teachers with Kinderland, Vietnam

Teachers’ Day in Kinderland International Preschool @ Vista Verde, Vietnam, was celebrated on 19 November 2019 to honour our teachers. Schools and students in Vietnam celebrate this day annually to motivate and to show our appreciation to our teachers. It emphasises the teachers’ significant role in educating our future leaders, and we thank them [...]

November 25th, 2019|

Kinderland Preschoolers in Vietnam Doing Good at International Charity Bazaar

Since 1993, members of The Consular Club and Honorary Consular missions of Ho Chi Minh City has been organizing annual International Charity Bazaar. Proceeds from the sale are redistributed to help the less advantaged in Vietnam. Some of the projects supported by the club includes scholarships to medical care, providing water tanks, renovating children’s [...]

November 15th, 2019|

First-Ever Spooky Halloween for Kinderland International Preschoolers in Vietnam

31st October marked the first Halloween celebration held at Kinderland International Preschool @ Vista Verde, Vietnam. The air was filled with fun and excitement from the fancy-dress parade and boggling activities. Nursery and Pre-Nursery children proudly posing in their costumes Our team dedicated hard work and maximized their creativity in [...]

November 4th, 2019|

Kinderland – A Leading Singapore Preschool Education Group Now Opens in Vietnam

Kinderland Preschool @ Vista Verde inaugurates its official opening today - its very first flagship preschool in Vietnam. Gracing this event was Mr Roy Kho, Consul-General of the Consulate General, Republic of Singapore. He was accompanied by Mr Leon Chai, Regional Director (Ho Chi Minh City) of Enterprise Singapore, Mr Seet Lee Kiang, General [...]

September 5th, 2019|

Appreciate nature & learn through fun

A nature walk is an excellent way to stimulate a child's appreciation for the natural world. Recently, our children from Kinderland Vietnam went on a nature walk in the park located at Vista Verde. They were guided to collect dried leaves, twigs or dried flowers that have fallen on to the ground to be [...]

June 28th, 2019|

Water Sustainability, Our Responsibility

World Water Day is observed annually throughout many countries to highlight the importance of conserving freshwater. Our children learn to understand and appreciate the value of clean water. In observation of World Water Day, our children at Kinderland Vietnam were educated on good water conservation habits. Water is important to our daily [...]

May 10th, 2019|

Doing Our Part for Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world in support of environmental conservation and protection. Kinderland believes that every Kinderland Child can do a part in caring for our environment even at a young age. Our children go green by learning about environmental conservation and committing to earth-friendly practices. One way is [...]

May 10th, 2019|
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